CDE 84343 WHO IS AT MY WINDOW? 24 Tenor Songs by John Jeffreys

CDE 84343 WHO IS AT MY WINDOW? 24 Tenor Songs by John Jeffreys

CDE 84343 WHO IS AT MY WINDOW? 24 Tenor Songs by John Jeffreys

Product Description

CDE 84343

JEFFREYS: 24 Tenor Songs: Merry Eye; That ever I saw; Northumberland; I am the Gilly of Christ; Jillian of Berry; The Poacher’s Dog; Who is at my Window?; ’Tis Time I think; What evil coil of fate; Severn Meadows; In pride of May; Candlegate; Black Stitchel; Stow-on-the-Wold; Otterburn; Yet will I love her; The little pretty nightingale; Ha’nacker Mill; The little milkmaid; My little pretty one; O mistress mine; It is winter; O my dere hert; Little trotty wagtail.

Ian Partridge: Tenor,

Jennifer Partridge: Piano