CDE 84339 SUMMER’S END The Poems of Margaret Buckle with Music by Edware Watson

CDE 84339 SUMMER’S END The Poems of Margaret Buckle with Music by Edware Watson

CDE 84339 SUMMER’S END The Poems of Margaret Buckle with Music by Edware Watson

Product Description

CDE 84339

WATSON: The Poetry of Margaret Buckle read by Niamh Cusack and Gabriel Woolf, and set to music by EDWARD WATSON. The Shepherd; The Shepherd - February Evening - The Shepherd (contd), The Lost Road, March, April Morning, Stonewall Country, Late May, Sweet is my Blackbird, The Midsummer Blackbird, Summer, Craven Farms, Blackberry Days, Summer's End, Fell Country, Winter the Hunter, The Moorland Road, Easter, Prisoned in Life, Easter (contd), The Shepherd, Summer's End. Les Baux, Spring Song, Rough Northern Spring, This is a Lark Day, Lark Morning, Spring, Madrigal, The Cockoo, Capriccio and Echo Pastorale, The Well by the Road, Aquarelle, The Wagtail, Coming down from Rome, Epitaph for a hedgehog, The Lake at Evening, No Nightingales, Winter, Blue Remembered Hills, Summer's End.

Margaret Richardson: Soprano,

Ian Partridge: Tenor,

English Serenata