Nelly Ben-Or is a professor at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama where she has taught the piano and the Alexander Technique since 1975.

This distinguished pianist (who is also a senior Alexander teacher) is recognised internationally as being the leading exponent of the application of the Alexander technique to piano playing.   She has specialised in this field for more than thirty-five years and gives master classes on this subject to pianists in many countries throughout the world.

Nelly Ben-Or has performed in concerts and broadcasts in many countries: in recitals, with orchestra and in chamber music.  Her commercial and broadcast recordings - including many for the BBC - cover music by a wide range of composers from the 18th to the 20th centuries.

In this course Nelly Ben-Or works on various aspects of piano playing, such as learning and memorising new scores, improving freedom, velocity and fluency in playing and increasing the player's listening awareness for greater clarity of performance.  Through applying the basic principles of the Alexander Technique to playing, Nelly Ben-Or teaches pianists a way of working which prevents disturbing tensions or possible injuries in practising and performing.

Participants have individual sessions at the piano with Nelly Ben-Or and a short daily session in the Alexander Technique.   


Copyright (c) 2003 Meridian Records